2018 OSD Year In Review
2018 VWC Educational Conference Highlights
Click the image below to view a video on the Commission’s YouTube channel. The video promoted our 2-day conference featuring speakers, vendors, employees and general attendees. To-date, it has obtained 1,079 views.
Conference Dates
Registration Dates
Conference Attendees
Conference Location
October 17 th and 18 th
July 16 th – October 18 th
~596 Total Attendees 5 Sponsor 48 Vendors 14 Commission Volunteers 45 Speakers 18 Topics
Greater Richmond Convention Center 351 North 3rd Street Richmond, VA 23219
Highlights for 2018:
Conference was opened with a new centennial video giving attendees a short overview of the Commission over the past 100 years. 1 st Annual Kids’ Chance Silent Auction was held raising closed to over $8k. OSD captured attendee feedback using Survey Monkey. By all indications, the conference was a success. As of December 2018, planning is already underway for a Centennial Gala to be held in conjunction with the Commission’s annual October educational conference. Surveys have been sent to employees and attendees to gauge attendance in 2019.
2018 OSD Departmental Highlights
pg. 7
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