WebFile Guide for PEOs
INITIAL LOG IN AND WEBFILE ENROLLMENT This section explains how to login to WebFile the first time and enroll in PEO WebFile. The WebFile enrollment step is only required once, the first time a user logs in. You should have received your logon and temporary password via e-mail. If you have not, then submit an e-mail to VAPEO@workcomp.virginia.gov . 1. To logon go to the following website: https://webfile.workcomp.virginia.gov Click on Login Do not click on Claimant Registration
2. Enter your login username and password
3. The first time you login you will need to complete the WebFile This symbol next to a field indicates a required field. See below.
enrollment page.
WebFile Guide for PEOs
Page 8
Last Revised 07/01/14
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