VWC Quarterly Highlights Report - Q4 2020
Commission Updates
• VWChired a consultant to conduct a RepetitiveMotionStudy, whichwas submitted to theGeneral Assembly in response to the JLARC Study. • The Compensation Study remains under review/unfunded due to existing budget constraints. • VWC was nominated as a 2020 Top Workplace and will be notified on the outcome of this nomination later in the year. • The Fairfax Regional Office relocated to the 2nd floor of their existing building on November 18. • Dialogues on Diversity were held with TeamMember with several recommendations being made. This initiative continued with the VWC Book Club reading and discussion of To Kill A Mockingbird and Caste. More activities and various committees are forthcoming in response to this initiative. • The ARMICS Internal Control Times newsletter was issued. ISO continues to provide documents for the current VITA audit. The quarterly Information Security Report was completed. • The Commission approved an email signature template for use by all Team Members and HR issued a directive for all state employees to include an email address and work number in their email signature in line with the new VWC style guide. • Erin Bishop, ADR Supervisor received the IAIABC’s 2020 NextGen Award as a result of her strong, impactful work in VWC. Policy Updates Agency Employees Update 275 Current Full-time Employees | 3 Current Wage Employees | 1 New Hire | 1 Transfer In October, one Missouri Self-InsuranceWebFile demo was held viaWebEx to preview the SI WebFile platformfor a jurisdictional partner. The2021TaxRatesandBudgetwaspresented to theCommission and adopted on December 8, 2020. The budget proposes funding for all filled positions, freezing most vacancies and discretionary spending, maintaining existing service delivery. Finances at VWC • It is suggested that VWC Team Members complete the vaccine form available here . • Another Town Hall with the Commissioners and various VWC leaders was held in early December to provide updates and hear questions/concerns. • Restart and New Normal Advisory Group’s final report has been presented to all departments. COVID-19 Updates Effective: October 20 - IS-1.03, Information Security | Effective: November 16 - HR-4.25, Holidays General Updates • VWC continues to follow the guidelines from the Governor’s Office, Virginia Department of Health, Department of Human Resource Management and the CDC in response to COVID-19 related matters in full compliance with all notifications, cleaning and safety requirements.
VWC Q4 Report, 2020
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