VVF 2019 Annual Report
Crisis Response Team
Preparing Responders Across the Commonwealth to Assist in Mass Casualty Events
NOVA Basic Crisis Response Training
The Department of Criminal Justice, in collaboration with Virginia Victims Fund (VVF) and Virginia Victims Assistance Network (VVAN) hosted two NOVA Basic Crisis Response Team Trainings in Fiscal Year 2019. Allied professionals from around the Commonwealth joined in the 24 hour intensive training facilitated by Cindy Yadav, Regional Crisis Response Coordinator for VVAN and NOVA Trainer, Roger Roberts. Highlights from the intensive training: • The Trauma Experience • Crisis Intervention • Group Crisis Intervention • Long Term Stress Reactions NOVA’s Basic CRT training consists of twenty four hours of techniques and protocols for providing crisis intervention to traumatized individuals. Training focuses on the fundamentals of crisis and trauma, and how to adapt to basic techniques to individuals and groups also known as psychological first aid.
the NOVA model for Crisis Intervention in Virginia 63
volunteers trained in
Each responder 24 received of intensive training on Group Crisis Intervention
The Role of Crisis Response Team is to provide direct services through individual and group crisis intervention sessions; assist families through companioning at the family assistance center during the immediate aftermath of a mass violence event, and assist local officials and other decision-makers to plan for immediate and long-range care, comfort and assistance for victims, first responders and survivors within their communities.
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