Self-Insurance in CASPER
VER 2022.1
Document Owner(s)
Mechelle Esparza-Harris
Insurance Financial Examiner , Financial Services Department
Brandy Giles
Financial Services Specialist , Financial Services Department
Prepared By
Terek Hagans
Communications Specialist , Outreach Services Department
How to find this document:
Intranet > Training & Tools > Self-Insurance in CASPER
Intranet > Financial Services > Financial Services Resources > Self-Insurance in CASPER
Revision History
Version Date
Added Review Self Insurer and Review Self Insurer CASPER tasks
Content and Verbiage Revisions
Viewing Self-Insurers in CASPER ........................................................................................................................4 Self-Insurer Look-Up Function..............................................................................................................................7 Additional Takeaways.........................................................................................................................................10 Using the Review Self-Insurance Insurer Task...................................................................................................11 Using the Review Self-Insurance Employer Task...............................................................................................13
Viewing Self-Insurers in CASPER
All valid Self-Insurers have an Insurance Carrier number that begins with an “ S .”
On occasion, you may see an Insurance Carrier labeled as “ Self-Insured ,” but the Insurer n umber does not begin with “ S .” This pr imarily happens for two reasons.
Reason 1
The Insurance Carrier is not Self-Insured and does not hold a valid Self-Insurance certificate in the state. An example of a JCN attached to an invalid Self-Insurer is as follows. Notice the Insurance Carrier number does not begin with an “ S .”
Reason 2
Incorrect information has been received into the Commission on a valid Self-Insurer. An example is as follows:
If you are involved in a Jurisdiction Claim Number (JCN) that shows a letter or number other than “ S ,” you can perform a search function using the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or name of the Self-Insurer (Insurance Carrier). If you have the Self-Insurer number (SI #), this can also be used.
Self- Insurers’ report three contact types. Those are:
1. Corporate Contact – Primary, Corporate Contact & Corporate Contact - Other 2. Claims Administrator 3. In-State Designated Representative.
The corporate contact and in-state designated representative are reflected under the Self-Insurer information.
Self- Insurers currently do not have a “paperless” option.
Self-Insurer Look-Up Function
To search for a Self-Insurer, go to the Insurance Carrier tab in CASPER.
Input the FEIN, Self-Insurer name or Self-Insurer number (if available). Always use the wild card symbol (%)!
Corresponding results will be as follows.
FEIN Based Search:
Name Based Search:
Self-Insurer (SI #) Search:
If additional assistance is needed, a Review Self Insurer or Review Self Insurer Employer task can be sent to the Self Insurance Program. See Using the Review Self-Insurance Insurer Task for additional instruction.
Additional Takeaways
Unlike traditional insurance, Self-Insurers can be both the Insurance Carrier and Employer — take Macy’s for example:
Macy’s (S0451) is the primary payor and responsible party.
As the primary payor and responsible party, Macy’s has other companies they pay on behalf of such as those companies with the blue dot shown above; For example, notification of a work-related injury/illness at Bloomingdales, the employer, (S0451-02) will r eceive JCN’s under the Bloomingdales FEIN #311240040. However, Macy’s, the parent and financially responsible party, (S0451) – FEIN #133324058, will respond to, pay and/or defend the claim. • The primary payor and responsible party (Insurance Carrier) will always be “S” code with no sub-code. • All other companies are identified with a sub-code (i.e. -01, -02, -03). • Also notice how the Self-Insurer # search produced all companies related to Self-Insurer —Macy’s Inc. vs., the FEIN search (Bloomingdale s only) and Name Search (Macy’s name only). • All active Self-Insurer information should be current. The Self-Insurance Program is located in Finance and maintains the Insurance Carrier information related to Self-Insurers.
Inactive and surrendered Self-Insurers were moved to CASPER in 2012 and are not updated unless a task and/or movement takes place on the account.
If assistance is needed with an inactive or surrendered Self-Insurer a Review Self-Insurer or Review Self-Insurer Employer task can be sent to the Self Insurance Program or an email can be sent to
• Only staff members in Self-Insurance are authorized to make changes to and/or approve changes to Self-Insurer information and data.
Using the Review Self-Insurance Insurer Task
Search for the Self Insurer in the Insurance Carrier portlet using the % card.
Once identified, click on the Self-Insurer.
From the Insurer summary, select Review Self-Insurer.
Once selected, you will see Refer to Self-Insurance Insurer. Add a note for the SI team and hit "Save."
Using the Review Self-Insurance Employer Task
Search for the Self-Insured employer in the Employer portlet using the % card.
Once identified, click on the Self-Insured employer.
From the employer summary, select Review Self-Insured employer.
Once selected, you will see Refer to Self-Insurance Employer. Add a note for the SI team and hit Save.
Below is an sample of how the SI team would receive the tasks.
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