Onyx User Training Manual
Version 1.2
Document Owner(s)
Ed Rice
Chief Financial Officer , Financial Services Department
Amy Pearson
Assistant Financial Officer , Financial Services Department
Prepared By
Terek Hagans
Marketing Associate , Outreach Services Department
How to find this document:
Intranet > Employee Forms & Documents > Onyx User Training Manual
Revision History
Release 6.6.0
Release 6.6.1
Release 6.7.0
Contents (*) Supervisor Function
Onyx ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Accessing Onyx.................................................................................................................................................................... 5 User Profiles ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Debtor .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Creating a New Debtor ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Searching & Viewing Debtors ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Editing Debtors ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Debtor Tabs....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Accounts Receivable ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Create a New Receivable .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Searching & Viewing Receivables ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Editing Receivables ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 Set the Status of Receivables to UnCollectible (*)............................................................................................................ 32 Setting Receivables to Legacy ........................................................................................................................................... 33 Accounts Receivable Tabs................................................................................................................................................. 33 Bonds .................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Searching & Viewing Bonds .............................................................................................................................................. 40 Transaction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Creating a Batch ................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Searching a Batch.............................................................................................................................................................. 47 Editing a Batch .................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Viewing a Batch Deposit Summary ................................................................................................................................... 49 Requesting Approval for a Batch ...................................................................................................................................... 50 Approving a Batch (*)........................................................................................................................................................ 52 Creating a New Transaction .............................................................................................................................................. 53 Transaction Type – Payment......................................................................................................................................... 54 Transaction Type – Journal Entry.................................................................................................................................. 59 Transaction Type – Adjustment .................................................................................................................................... 60 Searching & Viewing Transactions.................................................................................................................................... 62 Editing Transactions .......................................................................................................................................................... 63 Subpoena ........................................................................................................................................................................... 65 Searching & Viewing Subpoenas....................................................................................................................................... 66 Editing Subpoenas............................................................................................................................................................. 66 Travel Advances ............................................................................................................................................................... 69
Travel Advances Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 70 Editing Travel Advances .................................................................................................................................................... 70 Administration .................................................................................................................................................................. 71 Taxes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 72 Taxes: Creating a New Tax ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Taxes: Viewing a Tax ..................................................................................................................................................... 74 Taxes: Auto-Generating Tax Receivables ...................................................................................................................... 75 NCCI Rates......................................................................................................................................................................... 76 NCCI Rates: Viewing NCCI Rates ................................................................................................................................... 76 NCCI Rates: Editing NCCI Rates (*)................................................................................................................................ 77 NCCI Rates: Bulk Upload (*) .......................................................................................................................................... 77 NCCI Codes........................................................................................................................................................................ 78 NCCI Codes: Viewing NCCI Codes.................................................................................................................................. 78 NCCI Codes: Adding NCCI Codes (*).............................................................................................................................. 78 Tax Forms .......................................................................................................................................................................... 80 A/R Allocations.................................................................................................................................................................. 81 A/R Allocations: Viewing A/R Allocations ..................................................................................................................... 81 Municipalities.................................................................................................................................................................... 82 Municipalities: Viewing Municipalities ......................................................................................................................... 83 Municipalities: Editing Municipalities ........................................................................................................................... 83 Courts................................................................................................................................................................................ 85 Courts: Viewing Courts.................................................................................................................................................. 86 Courts: Editing Courts ................................................................................................................................................... 86 Letters & Notices............................................................................................................................................................... 88 Letters & Notices: Generating Notifications ................................................................................................................. 88 Other Finance Portal Links ................................................................................................................................................ 88 Self-Insurance................................................................................................................................................................ 89 SSRS............................................................................................................................................................................... 90 Cardinal ......................................................................................................................................................................... 91 VWC Intranet................................................................................................................................................................. 92 UEF File Processing........................................................................................................................................................ 93
Onyx is the Commission’s financial system.
Accessing Onyx
1. Access the VWC Employee Intranet .
2. In the Quick Links section, click on the CASPER / WENDY Login hyperlink.
Selecting the CASPER / WENDY Login hyperlink directs you to the VWC Finance Home page if you have a finance profile.
3. While on the VWC Finance Home page, click the Onyx drop down button.
Along with the Onyx drop down, the VWC Finance Home page contains links for Self Insurance, SSRS, Cardinal, the VWC Intranet—as well as CASPER, if you have CASPER access.
4. Click one of the available modules to access Onyx .
User Profiles
Finance Viewer - can view/read data in Onyx ; unable to edit.
Finance Specialist - some functionality of Onyx features; including viewing, editing and saving data.
Finance Supervisor - additional functionality of Onyx features; including viewing, editing, and saving data, batch uploading, setting uncollectibles, approving batches, creating tax configurations.
The Onyx system does not allow deletion—deletion capabilities are very minimal and, if permissible, would need to be done through a Footprints ticket.
Debtor The Debtor module of the Onyx system helps the users to Search, Create, and Update information related to the VWC debtors (which includes Employers, Claim Administrators, Insurance Carriers, Self-Insureds, PEOs).
Debtor Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
Search & View
Create a New Debtor
Edit & Save
Record Level Edit & Delete Links
Debtor Module Interface
Creating a New Debtor
1. Select Debtor from the Onyx drop down.
2. Click on the “ New Debtor ” button, which directs you to the Debtor Summary portlet. 3. Enter Debtor ID information and Company Name. 4. Select criteria for the Debtor Types.
5. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Debtor Summary portlet.
While creating or updating a new debtor, you are not able to use an existing Taxpayer or ID Number. When using a duplicate ID Number, an error message displays. When the Taxpayer Number is a duplicate, the box changes red.
Searching & Viewing Debtors
1. Select Debtor from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. In the Debtor Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
ID Number Search can also search Federal Identification Employer Number (FEIN).
Editing Debtors
1. Select Debtor from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Debtor Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button. 4. Click on the Debtor ID hyperlink to view the debtor summary.
Clicking the expand button ( + ) to the left of the Debtor ID displays more details for the Debtor. The expand button ( + ) can be found throughout all search functions.
5. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink.
6. Enter the details for the Debtor. 7. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Debtor Summary portlet.
Debtor Tabs
Located at the bottom of the page are multiple functional tabs for Debtor: Contacts, Receivables, Liens, Payment Plans, Images, and Notifications.
Contacts Tab – Add, delete, and edit all points of contact for the Debtor.
Clicking the expand button ( + ) allows additional Contact information to be viewed.
Clicking the “ Add Contact ” button allows you to add a new contact to the Debtor.
A primary address should ideally have Address Line 1 , City , State , and Zip .
Clicking the “ edit ” button in the Action column allows you to change and save Contacts information.
Receivables Tab - Displays receivables related to the Debtor and total balance of all receivables.
Clicking the “ Receivable ID ” hyperlink takes you to the Accounts Receivable Summary.
Liens Tab – Add or edit all liens related to the Debtor.
Clicking the “ Add Lien ” button allows you to add a new lien to the Debtor.
The Receivable Select allows you to choose multiple receivables related to the lien.
Clicking the expand button ( + ) on a lien allows you to view additional Lien information.
Clicking the “ edit ” button allows you to change and save Lien information.
Payment Plans Tab – Add or edit all payment plans related to the Debtor.
Clicking the “ Add Payment Plan ” button allows you to add a new payment plan to the Debtor.
The Receivable Select allows you to choose multiple receivables related to the payment plan.
Clicking the “ Edit ” button allows you to select receivables.
Clicking the toggle above all clickable receivables allows you to select all receivables at once.
Clicking the “ Reset ” button clears all selections.
The “ balance amount ” automatically calculates all selected receivables.
Clicking the expand button ( + ) on a lien allows you to view additional Lien information.
Images Tab – View and upload documents to the Debtor as well as Receivable(s).
System uploaded/attached images documents will have “ Print ” as the Source. User (manually) uploaded documents will have “ Upload ” as the Source. Uploaded documents can be edited or deactivated by clicking the “ Edit ” or “ Deactivate ” button in the Action column.
Clicking the “ Upload New Document ” button allows additional Contact information to be viewed. The image you are uploading can be uploaded to the related Debtor as well as Receivable(s).
Documents can only be uploaded in PDF format.
You must click the “ Cancel ” button if you want to view the uploaded documents after switching a tab.
Notifications Tab - Displays notification options limited to Debtor level.
Notification select allows you to choose multiple receivables when sending a notification out. In order to send out a notification you must preview it first by clicking the “ Preview ” button.
After previewing the notification, you can send it out by clicking the “ Submit ” button in the Notifications Tab. If there are errors during previewing, the “ Submit ” button will not be enabled.
The “ Cancel ” button is used to cancel the process and is clickable at anytime (including if the “ Submit ” button is enabled).
Accounts Receivable
The Accounts Receivable module of the Onyx system is used to record and update the Accounts Receivable information so that the VWC Finance team can efficiently manage the collection process.
Accounts Receivable Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
Search & View
Create Receivable
Edit & Save
View Lien Records
View Collections Payment Plan Information
Set a Receivable to Uncollectible Status
Edit Uncollectible Notes
Bulk Generate Tax Receivables
Accounts Receivable Module Interface
Create a New Receivable
1. Select Accounts Receivable from the Onyx drop down. 2. Click on the “ New Receivable ” button, which directs you to the Receivable Summary portlet.
3. Select the Receivable Type (If changing Receivable Type, a prompt asks if you want to continue). 4. Select the Receivable Sub Type (Sub Type changes based on Receivable Type). 5. Search (on ID Number, Name, Debtor ID, or Debtor Type) and select a Debtor.
If selecting “ Debtor Type ,” there is a drop-down when searching.
Debtor Search Interface
Choosing “ Select ” chooses the selected Debtor for the Accounts Receivable. Choosing “ Open ” previews the selected Debtor and allows you to modify or submit changes. Choosing “ Create New ” allows you to create a new Debtor. While in “ Open ” or “ Create New ,” you are unable to modify the “ Taxpayer Types .” If a Debtor does not exist, you must create a Debtor (see page 7 for information on how to create a new Debtor).
6. Enter the details for the receivable.
When selecting an effective date older than a year or a future date an error message displays.
7. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Receivable Summary portlet.
When editing a Self-Insured Tax receivable, you can add a row to the Total Payroll section by clicking the “ Add Row ” hyperlink or by pressing enter while in the “ Payroll $ ” field.
When creating a new receivable, the submit button will not be enabled until a Receivable Type is selected. When clicking “ Submit ”, an error message displays if any of the required fields are missing or invalid.
Searching & Viewing Receivables
1. Select Accounts Receivable from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Receivable Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
Editing Receivables
1. Select Accounts Receivable from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Receivable Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button. 4. Click on the Receivable ID hyperlink to view the receivable summary.
5. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink.
When editing a UEF Sub Type, you can click the edit hyperlink in the top right corner or you can click the “ edit ” hyperlink beside the listed Sub Type and a popup will appear where you can select a new Sub Type and click “ Save. ”
6. Enter the details for the receivable.
7. Click the “ Submit ” button.
Set the Status of Receivables to UnCollectible (*) *Supervisor Role*
1. While viewing the receivable summary, click the “ Set Status ” button.
2. Enter/select criteria for the UnCollectible Reason and UnCollectible Notes. 3. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Receivable Summary portlet.
Setting Receivables to Legacy
1. While viewing the receivable summary, click the Legacy indicator.
Clicking the “ Legacy ” indicator shows that the receivable was part of the Legacy System. The legacy flag is editable anywhere in the system.
Accounts Receivable Tabs
Located at the bottom of the page are seven functional tabs used for Accounts Receivable:
Transactions, Status History, Collections, Liens, Payment Plan, Debtor, Notes, Images, and Notifications.
Transactions Tab - Displays all transactions related to the Receivable.
Clicking the “ Transaction ID ” hyperlink takes you to the Transaction Summary.
Status History Tab - Displays status change history for the Receivable.
Collections Tab - Where collections-related information can be managed.
Clicking the “ edit ” button allows you to change and save Collection information.
Liens Tab - Where lien information can be viewed (only).
Clicking the expand button ( + ) allows you to view additional Lien information.
Payment Plan Tab – Where Payment Plans related to the Debtor can be viewed (only).
Clicking the expand button ( + ) allows you to view additional Payment Plan information.
Debtor Tab - Displays the related Debtor of the Receivable.
Clicking the “ Debtor ID ” hyperlink takes you to the Debtor Summary.
Notes Tab - Displays all notes recorded for the Receivable
Images Tab – Upload documents to the Receivable.
Clicking the “ Upload New Document ” button allows additional documents to be added.
Documents can only be uploaded in PDF format.
You must click the “ Cancel ” button if you want to view the uploaded documents after switching a tab.
Notifications Tab - Displays notification options limited to receivable level.
Currently, at the receivable level, only Self-Insured receivables have notifications.
After previewing the notification, you can send it out by clicking the “ Submit ” button in the Notifications Tab. If there are errors during previewing, the “ Submit ” button will not be enabled.
The “ Cancel ” button is used to cancel the process and is clickable at anytime (including if the “ Submit ” button is enabled).
The Bonds module of the Onyx system helps the users to track the payment and (partial or full) refund of surety bonds posted by claimants filing an appeal to the courts.
Bonds Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
Search & View
Edit & Save
Bonds Module Interface
Searching & Viewing Bonds
1. Select Bonds from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. In the Bonds Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
4. Click on the Receivable ID hyperlink to view the bonds summary.
The Batch Date is the same as the Deposit Date.
The Transaction module of the Onyx system helps the users to create Transaction Batches, and to make Payment, Journal Entry, and Adjustment transactions.
Transaction Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
Search & View
Create a New Transaction
Edit & Save
Edit Transaction Batch
Edit Cardinal Journal ID
Edit Case Field
Post a Transaction Batch
Transaction Module Interface
Creating a Batch
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. Locate the Transaction Batch window toward the bottom of the screen. 3. Click the “ Create New ” button.
Clicking the “ Create New ” button expands the Transaction Batch portlet to create a new Batch.
4. Enter the details for the Transaction Batch.
5. Click the “ Submit ” button.
Creating a new Batch creates a system-generated VWC Payment ID number.
Searching a Batch
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. In the Transaction Search section, enter/select criteria for Batch. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
Editing a Batch
Batch statuses: Open, Void, Locked, Pending Approval, and Posted (Approved)
Batches in posted status are read-only; batches in all other statuses are available for edit.
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. Locate the Transaction Batch window toward the bottom of the screen. 3. Click the “ Edit ” button. 4. Enter the details for the Batch. 5. Click the “ Submit ” button.
You can lock, reopen, request approval, and post batches from the Transaction Batch portlet.
Viewing a Batch Deposit Summary
1. Click the “ Summary ” button.
Clicking “ summary ” directs you to SSRS. You need to have access to SSRS: FSD to view this.
Requesting Approval for a Batch
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. Locate the Transaction Batch window toward the bottom of the screen.
3. Click the “ Edit ” button. 4. Click the “ Lock ” button.
A batch must be locked in order to request approval. At least one transaction must be in a batch in order to lock a batch.
After locking a batch, the screen refreshes and directs you back to the main Transaction module page.
5. Click the “ Edit ” button. 6. Locate the Transaction Batch window toward the bottom of the screen. 7. Enter the details for the Cardinal Deposit ID.
8. Click the “ Request Approval ” button.
Optionally, you also have the ability to reopen a batch if changes need to be made.
9. After requesting approval, the batch must be approved by another user.
A batch must be approved by a different user than the user who worked on the batch and must have a supervisor role.
Approving a Batch (*)
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. Locate the Transaction Batch window toward the bottom of the screen. 3. Click the “ Edit ” button. 4. Enter the details Posted to Cardinal.
This is a manual entry; there is no validation from Cardinal or any other system on the accuracy of these entries.
5. Click the “ Posted ” button.
A batch MUST be approved by a different user than the user who worked on the batch and MUST have a supervisor role.
Note: Transactions only post once the corresponding batch is posted.
Creating a New Transaction
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx Drop Down. 2. Click the “ New Transaction ” button, which directs you to the Transaction Summary portlet. 3. Select the Transaction Type.
Transaction Types
Journal Entry
Transaction Type – Payment
1. Select Batch details for Payment Type.
Batch Types
Bank Deposit
Credit Card
2. Enter/select criteria for Payment Details.
Based on the Batch selection, the payment type can differ.
Bank Deposit
Credit Card
Merchant Connect
Payment Types
ATA (Private)
ATA (Taxation)
Money Order
3. When applicable, use the Existing Receivable Search to add a related claim to the transaction. 4. Search (on Receivable ID, Receivable Type, Related Claim, ID Number, Debtor Type, or Name) and select a related claim.
Receivable Search Interface
Choosing “ Add to Transaction ” adds the selected related claim to the transaction (multiple payments can be added). You can also double click the Related Claim to add to transaction.
5. Click the “ Add to Transaction ” button, which adds the related claim to the bottom of the portlet. 6. Click the “ Done ” button when you are finished adding related claims.
7. When applicable, select a non-receivable payment.
When selecting Travel Advance (VWC or CICF) under “ Non - Receivable Payment ,” a last name can be searched. . When selecting Bond under “ Non-Receivable Payment ,” the amount shows a negative.
8. Click the “ Add to Transaction ” button, which adds the non-receivable payment to the bottom of the portlet.
Under Items for Payment, you can: Click the “ Remove ” hyperlink to remove a related claim. Click the “ Add Split ” hyperlink to split the transaction amount. Click the “ delete ” hyperlink to remove a split.
9. Enter/select criteria for Items for Payment.
The system warns users if the Allocation Amount entered in the Items for Payment for a receivable is greater than its Opening Balance.
10. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Transaction Summary view.
On the Transaction Summary view, you have the option to continue to add another transaction of the same type and batch by clicking the “ Add Another ” button.
Clicking the “ Add Another ” button directs you to the Transaction Summary page defaulted with the most recent transaction type and batch selected.
Transaction Type – Journal Entry
1. Enter Journey Entry Details, which requires a Cardinal Journal ID. 2. Enter/select criteria for Existing Receivable Search to begin search. 3. Click the “ Add to Transaction ” button.
Choosing “ Add to Transaction ” adds the selected related claim to the transaction (journal entries replace any existing journal entry).
4. Enter/select criteria for Items for Journal Entry. 5. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Transaction Summary portlet.
Transaction Type – Adjustment
1. Enter Adjustment Details and select Adjustment Type.
Adjustment Types
Partial Fine Vacate
Fine Vacate
Amend (Increase)
Amend (Decrease)
Interest (Increase)
Interest (Decrease)
“ Refund ” shows a “ Voucher Number ” field. The other Adjustment Types do not have this field.
When selecting “ Fine Vacate, ” the “ Amount $ ” field is locked and auto-fills once receivable information is selected. The Uncollectible Reason is set automatically to “ Fine Vacate ” in the “ Receivable Summary ” when a Fine Vacate transaction is applied to a Receivable.
2. Enter/select criteria for Existing Receivable Search to begin search. 3. Click the “ Add to Transaction ” button.
Choosing “ Add to Transaction ” adds the selected related claim to the transaction (adjustments replace any existing adjustment).
4. Enter/select criteria for Items for Adjustment
5. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Transaction Summary portlet.
Searching & Viewing Transactions
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Transaction Search section, enter/select criteria for Transaction. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
Editing Transactions
1. Select Transaction from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Transaction Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button. 4. Click on the Transaction ID hyperlink of the Transaction. 5. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink.
6. Enter the Details for the Transaction. 7. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Transaction Summary portlet.
The Subpoena module of the Onyx system helps the users to manage the subpoenas. Subpoena amounts received for a month are paid to the Payee the following month.
Subpoena Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
Search & View
Edit & Save (Editable) Subpoena
Edit Sub Type & Debtor UEF Receivable
Subpoena Module Interface
Searching & Viewing Subpoenas
1. Select Subpoena from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Subpoena Search section, enter/select criteria. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
Editing Subpoenas
1. Select Subpoena from the Onyx drop down. 2. In the Subpoena Search section, enter/select criteria (minimum of one required) for the search. 3. Click the “ Search ” button.
4. Click on the Receivable ID hyperlink of the Subpoena.
5. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink.
6. Enter the Details for the Subpoena.
7. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Subpoena Summary portlet.
Travel Advances The Travel Advances module of the Onyx system helps the users to track travel advances submitted by staff members to VWC and allows users to review outstanding travel advances, add or update new advances.
Travel Advances Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
Search & View
Edit & Save
Make Journal Entries
Make Adjustment Transactions
Travel Advances Module Interface
Travel Advances Summary
1. Select Travel Advances from the Onyx drop down; this displays a list of Travel Advance ID’s.
Editing Travel Advances
1. Select Travel Advances from the Onyx drop down . 2. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink.
3. Enter the Details for the Travel Advance Summary. 4. Click the “ Submit ” button, which directs you back to the Travel Advances Summary portlet.
Administration The Administration module of the Onyx system helps the users to manage Tax Configurations (Periods), NCCI Codes and Rates, Tax Forms, A/R Allocations, Municipalities, Courts information, Letters, and Notices.
Administration Profile Permissions
Finance Viewer
Finance Specialist
Finance Supervisor
NCCI Rates
NCCI Codes
Tax Forms
Search & View
A/R Allocations
Update Optional Information
Letters & Notices
Generate Letters & Notices
Add New NCCI Code
NCCI Codes
Edit NCCI Rate Information
NCCI Rates
Upload NCCI Rates
NCCI Rates
Update Billable Amount
Manage Self-Insured Assessment Sent Date
Manage Self-Insured Payroll Report Due Date
Manage Total PEO Administration Costs
Manage PEO Fees
Manage PEO Assessment Sent Date
Manage PEO Tax Payment Due Date
Administration does not have an interface; clicking Administration takes you to the Finance Home page.
Administration: Tax Module Interface
Taxes: Creating a New Tax
1. Select Taxes from the Administration expand arrow.
2. Click on the “ Create New Tax ” button. 3. Enter/select the Tax Details. 4. Click the “ Submit ” button.
There is not currently any significance in any functionality of the “Begin Date” and “End Date.”
Taxes: Viewing a Tax
1. Select Taxes from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Select Tax, which populates the window with the current selection.
While viewing taxes, you can: Click the “ Available” toggle located at the top of the portlet to “deactivate” the tax visibility. Auto-generate Insurance Carrier , Self-Insured , and PEO Tax receivables .
Taxes: Auto-Generating Tax Receivables
When clicking on any of the auto-generating tax receivable buttons, the system looks up all active taxpayers.
Clicking the button creates a shell or a dummy tax receivable for the taxpayer.
An email also is generated to notify you of its completion.
Auto Generation of Tax Receivables Email
NCCI Rates
Administration: NCCI Rates Module Interface
NCCI Rates: Viewing NCCI Rates
1. Select NCCI Rates from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Enter/select Tax Year, which displays the current NCCI Rates.
NCCI Rates: Editing NCCI Rates (*) *Supervisor Role*
1. Select NCCI Rates from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Select Tax Year, which displays the current NCCI Rates. 3. Enter the new NCCI Rate/VWC Rate. 4. Click the “ Submit ” button, which can be located at the bottom of the portlet.
NCCI Rates: Bulk Upload (*) *Supervisor Role*
1. Select NCCI Rates from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Click the “ Bulk Upload ” button. 3. Enter/select Tax Year and upload CSV File. 4. Click the “ Submit ” button.
How to Prepare Your CSV File for NCCI Bulk Upload:
The file should:
a. Have a valid name (any system acceptable name). b. Be a comma-separated values (CSV) file. c. Have no header record. d. Have three sets of data in a row: Class Code (alphanumeric), VWC Rate (numeric), and NCCI Rate (numeric). e. Have no empty lines. f. Have no empty (blank) data (zero is fine).
NCCI Codes
Administration: NCCI Codes Module Interface
NCCI Codes: Viewing NCCI Codes
1. Select NCCI Codes from the Administration expand arrow.
NCCI Codes: Adding NCCI Codes (*) *Supervisor Role*
1. Select NCCI Codes from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Click the “ Add New NCCI Code ” hyperlink.
While editing, you can click the Available toggle to “deactivate” an NCCI Code’s visibility.
3. Enter the Code/Description.
4. Click the “ Submit ” button, which is located at the bottom of the portlet.
Tax Forms
Administration: Tax Forms Module Interface
1. Select Tax Forms from the Administration expand arrow, which displays the current Tax Forms.
This is just a listing, not the actual forms. You can locate the actual forms on the VWC public website.
A/R Allocations
Administration: Tax Forms Module Interface
A/R Allocations: Viewing A/R Allocations
1. Select A/R Allocations from the Administration expand arrow 2. Select Receivable SubType Code to view A/R Allocation Defaults.
Administration: Municipalities Module Interface
Municipalities: Viewing Municipalities
1. Select Municipalities from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Click the drop down icon to view Municipality details.
Municipalities: Editing Municipalities
1. Select Municipalities from the Administration expand arrow 2. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink. The edit details drop down in the Municipalities window.
3. Enter the details for the Municipalities. 4. Click the “ Submit ” button.
Administration: Courts Module Interface
Courts: Viewing Courts
1. Select Courts from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Click the drop down icon to view Court details.
Courts: Editing Courts
1. Select Courts from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Click the “ edit ” hyperlink.
3. Enter the Court details and the Clerk information. 4. Click the “ Submit ” button.
Letters & Notices
Administration: Letters & Notices Interface
Letters & Notices: Generating Notifications
1. Select Letters & Notices from the Administration expand arrow. 2. Select Notification Type and Tax Year if applicable.
Prior to generating Letters & Notifications you should always run the SSRS Address/PEO/SOA reports.
3. Click the “ Preview ” button.
After previewing the notification, you can send it out by clicking the “Submit” button in the Notifications Tab. If there are errors during previewing, the “Submit” button will not be enabled. The “Cancel” button is used to cancel the process and is clickable at anytime (including if the “Submit” button is enabled).
4. Click the “ Submit ” button.
Correspondence that needs to go to multiple Debtors should be done through the Administration: Letters & Notices module.
Correspondence that needs to go to a single Debtor should be done through Debtor module.
Correspondence that needs to go a receivable should be done through Accounts Receivable module.
Errors are displayed for Statement of Accounts if the recipients have invalid/incomplete primary mailing addresses.
Finance Portal Links
VWC Finance Tabs
The Self-Insurance link directs you to the Self-Insurance system.
Self-Insurance Interface
The SSRS link directs you to the SSRS.
SSRS Interface
Box Inventory is an SSRS application.
The Cardinal link allows you to access Cardinal production.
Cardinal Link:
Cardinal Interface
VWC Intranet
The VWC Intranet link directs you to the VWC Intranet portal, which contains many internal links and documents.
VWC Intranet Link:
VWC Intranet Interface
UEF File Processing
Below are the drop folders for the UEF File received from the TPA (HealthSmart).
Production Link:
\\anubis\Comptrollers\Wells Fargo-HealthSmart\Monthly Payments\FinanceUEFExcelETL\UEFDownloads\
Test Link:
Only finance team members with permissions to the folders have the ability to drop files here.
Made with FlippingBook Annual report