OSD 2019
VWC Quarterly Reports
The Agency Highlights Quarterly Report was redesigned with a more interactive and viewer- friendly experience. The user can now navigate through the pages with a clickable Table of Contents. Using coding skills, there is now a high- lights section with high-level takeaways and a scrolling webpage with buttons that point toward the more extensive report. OSD has begun tracking analytics on readership, to better determine what content is most valuable to the VWC team.
VWC 2018 Annual Report
The 2018 Annual Report was released in July. Various communication platforms were used for its release, including a mass communication to more than 3,000 email clients, posted to VWC’s website and VWC’s LinkedIn page, a press release and print copies for VWC staff and government contacts. Two comprehensive styles were developed to give customers the option of a downloadable version as well as a mobile-friendly version.
VVF 2019 Annual Report
In partnership with VVF, two comprehensive styles of the 2 019 VVF Annual Report were developed to give customers the option of a downloadable version as well as a mobile-friendly version. The report was promoted with a press release sent to 608 recipients, posted to LinkedIn, and posted on the VVF website.
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