OSD 2019
Outreach Services 2019 Projects Year End Review
How OSD Operates
The Outreach Services Department provides a variety of customer service-related functions for the Commission’s various internal and external customers. The overall goal of the department is to assist customers, evaluate claims data to facilitate information sharing, as well as planning educational and outreach initiatives which will support the agency’s mission.
Core services offered by the Outreach Services Department include: • Customer Call Center Support
• Web Related Services • Reporting and Analysis • Marketing Information • Educational and Outreach Events
OSD New Hires, Transfers or Promotions in 2019 Marcus Smith , promoted to Senior Specialist in Q2 2019, departed November 2019 DeannDrea Fleming, new hire as CCC Specialist in Q2 2019 Tonya Greenidge, new hire as CCC Specialist in Q2 2019 TamaraWynn , new hire as CCC Specialist in Q2 2019
CCC Call Stats
Data reflects January - November 2019
Customer Contact Center Employee of the Month January Missy Estep February Shannon Parker March Shannon Parker April Shannon Parker May Marcus Smith June LeeAnn Sanchez July Shannon Parker August LeeAnn Sanchez September LeeAnn Sanchez October LeeAnn Sanchez November Shannon Parker
Call Stats 2019
Average Calls Per Day Average Calls Per Month Total Calls Offered Total Calls Answered
77,975 64,366
CCC Answer Rate
83% 2:35 5:05 156
Average Wait Time for Customer Average Handle Time of Call Amount of Ring No Answers
Additional CCC Accomplishments and Highlights • Through November 2019 – 77,975 calls offered and 64,366 calls answered with an answer rate of 83%. The monthly target is 95%. • Through November 2019 – 156 Ring No Answers (RNAs) compared to 370 in 2018. RNAs occurs when an agent fails to answer a call after 4 rings and the call rolls to the next available agent. • Staffing fluctuations impacted departmental wait time and answer rate in 2019. • QA averages maintained throughout the year at average of 98%. • CCC Finesse Wrap-Up Code percentages increased throughout the year to 98%. This metric tracks the type of calls being handled by each agent. • Several CASPER enhancement recommendations from the CCC were approved for Production. • A structured New Hire Training Plan for the CCC was implented during 2019. • A new CCC Monthly Incentive Plan was implemented during 2019. Data reflects November 2018 - November 2019 Website Stats- www.workcomp.virginia.gov • Website Pageviews totaled: 754,335 • Top 5 links visited: WebFile, InjuredWorkers, Forms, Employers, Contact Us • Top 5 documents downloaded: Form61A, ClaimForm, EmployersWorkplace Notice, Medical Fee Schedules, and MFS Ground Rules
UPDATED / REBRANDED FORMS & DOCUMENTS OSD continued rebranding various Commission documents in 2019, with innovative consideration of user accessibility, paperless, user-friendly forms and stronger branding on VWC documents. These forms were designed with fillable field documents, prepared to be easily submitted through WebFile.
Attending Physician Report (CSD)
Amputation Chart (CSD)
Marketing/Job Search Form (CSD)
Transportation/Travel Expense Form (CSD)
VWC Quarterly Reports
The Agency Highlights Quarterly Report was redesigned with a more interactive and viewer- friendly experience. The user can now navigate through the pages with a clickable Table of Contents. Using coding skills, there is now a high- lights section with high-level takeaways and a scrolling webpage with buttons that point toward the more extensive report. OSD has begun tracking analytics on readership, to better determine what content is most valuable to the VWC team.
VWC 2018 Annual Report
The 2018 Annual Report was released in July. Various communication platforms were used for its release, including a mass communication to more than 3,000 email clients, posted to VWC’s website and VWC’s LinkedIn page, a press release and print copies for VWC staff and government contacts. Two comprehensive styles were developed to give customers the option of a downloadable version as well as a mobile-friendly version.
VVF 2019 Annual Report
In partnership with VVF, two comprehensive styles of the 2 019 VVF Annual Report were developed to give customers the option of a downloadable version as well as a mobile-friendly version. The report was promoted with a press release sent to 608 recipients, posted to LinkedIn, and posted on the VVF website.
User Guides & Training Aids
OSD created various technical documents in 2019, helping guide users through new processes and applications offered by VWC.
WebFile User Guides Step-by-step instructions on how to navigate through VWC’s WebFile application and the UI Refresh.
Training Aides- Insurance, Filing the 61A OSD developed a quick takeaway training document and updated the 61A YouTube tutorial to reflect the new UI.
Workers’ Compensation Mailer
New in 2019, this four-fold document replaced the Claim for Benefits package, which contained three brochures and a fillable claim for benefits form. This redesigned, innovative smailer document provides the same information, in a condensed format; saving on both print and mailing costs for the Commission.
Surveys to Customers OSD created various surveys in 2019 to gain interest and information from both VWC staff and customers.
Conference & Centennial Gala The OSD team created all printed and digital materials, logos and supplies for the Conference and Gala website and event.
2019 VWC Educational Conference, Exhibition & Centennial Gala
Conference Stats
2019 Conference Stats Registration Dates- July 16-October 28, 2019 601 Attendees 4 Sponsors 45 Exhibitors 21 Commission Volunteers 43 Speakers 24 Topics October 28-29, 2019 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center
Click the image above to view a promo video for the Conference on the VWC’s YouTube channel.
2019 VWC Educational Conference Highlights - VWC Conference hosted the Second Annual Kids’ Chance Silent Auction. - A 50-50 drawing was also held during the conference to raise additional funds for the organization. - OSD captured attendee feedback using Survey Monkey.
Centennial Gala Stats October 28th, 2019 at the Downtown Richmond Marriott Grand Ballroom
2019 Centennial Gala Stats 424 Attendees, 145 were VWC employees 5 Sponsors 10-Person Centennial Committee 6 Commission Volunteers
Click the image above to view photos of the 2019 Educational Conference and Centennial Gala on VWC’s Flikr site.
2019 VWC Centennial Gala Highlights - Kids’ Chance held 50-50 drawing was also held during the Gala, to raise money for their scholarship fund. - A custom ice sculpture was created especially for the historical event. - Entertainment was provided by the band InsideOut. - A photobooth was provided for attendee photos. - VWC employees donated to a formal wear clothing drive, providing attire for fellow collegues. - Twenty VIP’s and Special Guests attended, including retired Commission employees.
Press and Communications
Press Releases & Communications - Four (4) Press Releases distributed to-date for 2019 - Eighteen (18) external Conference communications were distributed - Fifteen external news communications were sent to email subscribers & 30+ communications were sent to VWC staff. - All internal and external mass communications are now sent via Mailchimp email service for tracking purposes.
Social Media Platforms
- Gained 65 new followers in 2019 (a 17% increase from 2018), 374 followers - Posted 35 updates (a 41% increase from 2018) - Updates posted get an average of 160 views - Most viewed update: Registration is open for 2019 conference - 13% of followers are in Finance, 11% in Legal, 10% in IT - 44% of followers are in Government, 15% in Insurance, 8% in Law, 6% in Health Care
- 2 public videos added in 2019 (16 total public videos) - 1,800 total video views on VWC channel for 2019 - 10,900 lifetime video views on VWC channel (2015-2019) - Most watched video- Join Us for the 2019 Conference with 603 views - 43 channel subscribers (+11 in 2019)
OSD began using Mailchimp email service in 2017 to track data and analytics of emails sent to our customers. - VWC began with 1,330 contacts via listserv - We now have 3,714 subscribers. (+36% increase) - +128 organic subscribers added in 2019 - 25% total audience growth from 2018 to 2019
OSD Special Projects
TV Streaming Content OSD now hosts outreach & communication content on TV’s located in the HQ Courtroom lobby, 1st floor waiting area, and 1st, 3rd and 4th floor elevator areas. In 2019, OSD created “evergreen”material to run for the year, including information on parking, courtroom etiquette, information on ADR, Centennial and Conference details, food truck schedule, etc. In 2020, OSD will add additional VWC content.
Regional & HQ Marketing Designs Continued Updated artwork for HQ and Regional offices continued, streamlining branding and promoting inclusion of our team across the state. More items are in development for 2020.
UI Project, Communications OSD partnered with PMO to lead communication efforts for the UI project. Release 1 was completed in September. Branded email communications were sent to targeted customers, user guides were created, a portal page was created for VWC staff UI resources and marketing materials were developed for office areas. Graphics were also created for the website.
Personalized Emails Implemented
OSD created targeted, personalized individual emails to conference and gala attendees. This was a new way to connect directly with each attendee in a more personalized manner to confirm participation, payment, etc.
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