2018 OSD Year In Review
Outreach Services
2018 Year in Review
VWC’s Mission To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
VWC's Vision Lead the nation as the most effective and innovative state agency.
VWC's Core Values
Innovative - Introducing or using new ideas or methods, in order to better serve our customers Respectful - Marked by or showing respect or reverence at all times Accountable - Required to explain actions or decisions Reliable - Consistently able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed Impartial - Treating all people and groups equally Integrity - The quality of being honest and objective; conduct that is of the highest moral character Effective - Successful in producing a desired or intended result
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2018 Outreach Services Strategic Goals
1. Expand our website and intranet with creative ways to engage our stakeholders and employees.
2. Continue to operate a world-class customer contact center while enhancing our quality assurance assessments and stakeholder engagement.
3. Lead the nation by offering interactive training materials and programs to our stakeholders and employees on worker’ compensation in Virginia.
4. Revamp agency brochures and documents to include relevant information to educate stakeholders.
5. Plan and execute high-quality workers’ compensation conferences and meetings to bring together stakeholders.
6. Promote the Commission’s various programs and initiatives through website enhancements, marketing materials, and stakeholder engagement opportunities.
OSD new hires, transfers or promotions in 2018 :
1. Angela Mack ( promoted to Assistant Manager in Outreach Services )
2. Shannon Parker (new hire - joined the Customer Contact Center in Q3 2018)
Above and Beyond Award Winners:
1. Cindy Frost
2. Terek Hagans
3. TiKeye Jones
4. Angela Mack
Citizenship Award Winners:
1. Cindy Frost
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Customer Contact Center Employee of the Month:
Java Crews
Java Crews
Java Crews
LeeAnn Sanchez
May-18 LeeAnn Sanchez
Marcus Smith
LeeAnn Sanchez
LeeAnn Sanchez
LeeAnn Sanchez
LeeAnn Sanchez
Shannon Parker
Missy Estep
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Customer Contact Center (CCC) Metrics
Customer Contact Center (Thru Dec 2018)
Average Calls Per Day
Average Calls Per Month
Total Calls Offered
Total Calls Answered
Answer Rate
Average Wait Time
Average Handle Time
Ring No Answers (RNAs)
Other Customer Contact Center Accomplishments
March, June, September
Quarterly Departmental Meetings
Additional CCC Accomplishments and Highlights
Through December 2018 – 87,117 calls offered and 81,343 calls answered with an answer rate of 93%. Monthly target is 95% Through December 2018 – 370 Ring No Answers (RNAs) compared to 361 for year of 2017. RNAs occurs when an agent fails to answer a call after 4 rings and the call rolls to the next available agent. Through December 2018 - 343 Average Calls Per Day Through December 2018 – 7,260 Average Calls Per Month Staffing fluctuations and higher call volume was evident in 2018. QA averages increased throughout the year to a high of 98% in December. CCC Finesse Wrap-Up Code percentages increased throughout the year to 96.5%. This metric tracks the type of calls being handled by each agent. Several CASPER enhancement recommendations from the CCC were approved for Production.
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2017 VWC Annual Report (Published September 2018)
Two comprehensive styles of the 2017 Annual Report were developed to give customers the option of a downloadable version as well as a mobile-friendly version . Additionally, an Annual Report highlights video was developed, featuring VWC employees. This video is on the VWC YouTube page . The report was promoted with a press release sent to 2,659 recipients, posted to LinkedIn, and highlighted on the VWC homepage.
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2018 VWC Educational Conference Highlights
Click the image below to view a video on the Commission’s YouTube channel. The video promoted our 2-day conference featuring speakers, vendors, employees and general attendees. To-date, it has obtained 1,079 views.
Conference Dates
Registration Dates
Conference Attendees
Conference Location
October 17 th and 18 th
July 16 th – October 18 th
~596 Total Attendees 5 Sponsor 48 Vendors 14 Commission Volunteers 45 Speakers 18 Topics
Greater Richmond Convention Center 351 North 3rd Street Richmond, VA 23219
Highlights for 2018:
Conference was opened with a new centennial video giving attendees a short overview of the Commission over the past 100 years. 1 st Annual Kids’ Chance Silent Auction was held raising closed to over $8k. OSD captured attendee feedback using Survey Monkey. By all indications, the conference was a success. As of December 2018, planning is already underway for a Centennial Gala to be held in conjunction with the Commission’s annual October educational conference. Surveys have been sent to employees and attendees to gauge attendance in 2019.
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Web Development and Support
~1,600 WebFile Support requests resolved in 2018. ~500 site update requests (includes VWC, VVF, VENCA, and Intranet)
WebFile Broadcast Messaging
The Outreach Services department implemented the ability to send real-time broadcast messages to all webfile users. This functionality would be used to alert users of system issues, planned outages and other events that would impact the users. This enterprise functionality would support broadcasting to subsets of webfile users (Claimants, Attorneys, PEO, VVF, etc…) or all users. It would also support messaging that appears for a timed interval then discontinues.
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Marketing and Public Relations Accomplishments
1. Marketing Materials
In partnership with VVF, OSD created a newly designed VVF Annual Report for 2018.
This includes a .pdf downloadable version and a mobile-friendly version .
The report was promoted with a press release sent to 566 recipients and posted on the VVF website.
In partnership with VVF, OSD created a News & Press link on the VVF website as well as a new email subscription option. OSD assisted in revamping the VVF Newsletter, which is now available on the News & Press page. The email subscription service was added in August 2018 and allows VVF to target specific client types for better communication reach.
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OSD assisted the Insurance Department with creating a YouTube Tutorial for instructions on how to file Form 16A online.
This video was posted in August 2018 and has 187 views to-date.
2. Conference Materials
- Created conference logo, book, hotel handout and posters - Developed new VWC stage banners - Began promoting the Conference on the VWC LinkedIn page - Created 2 pre and 1 post-conference video on YouTube. Pre- conference videos have 628 views and 1,075 views. Post- conference video has 147 views within one week of posting. - Created all graphics used on conference website. - Sent 14 promotional eblasts for marketing the conference
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3. Special Projects
Centennial Year Developments
OSD worked with essay winner Antoinette Moore to create a video version of her centennial essay. The video is now streaming on the VWC YouTube page.
OSD partnered with IS to conduct its first livestream event. The VWC Open House Ceremony was live for all regional and remote employees to watch. Since this event, VWC also livestreamed the Chairmanship transition event.
Regional & HQ Marketing Designs
To streamline branding and promote inclusion of our team across the state, OSD worked with PMO to design and develop artwork for HQ and Regional offices.
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OSD also designed the VWC Citizenship Award display for the HQ lobby and is responsible for taking photos of award winners and updating the display.
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4. Press -
Nine (9) Press Releases distributed to-date for 2018 - Fourteen (14) Conference communications were distributed - Communications are sent via Mailchimp email service for tracking purposes. VWC began using Mailchimp in 2017. In the past year, we have 497 new subscribers, a 17% growth. - Readership is up 23% from 2017.
5. Social Media / Platforms
52 new followers in 2018 (a 16% increase)
- Posted 20 updates (a 40% increase from 2017) - Updates posted get an average of 418 views - Most viewed update: Marshall Reappointed as Commissioner (1,311 views)
- 6 public videos added in 2018 (15 total public videos) - 5 internal/staff/or client videos added in 2018 - 4,591 total video views on VWC channel for 2018 - 8,989 lifetime video views on VWC channel (2015-2018) - Most watched video- Join Us for the 2018 Conference with 1,074 views - 32 channel subscribers
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Form Revision (CSD/ADR)
Many changes were made to old forms in an effort to rebrand Commission documentation. All forms were rebranded with the consideration of becoming more accessible, user-friendly, and easier-on-the- eyes.
Claim Form (CSD)
Attending Physician Report (CSD)
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Mediation Request Form (ADR)
Marketing/Job Search Form (CSD)
Amputation Chart (CSD)
Transportation/Travel Expense Form (CSD)
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Agency Highlights Report/Quarterly Report
The Agency Highlights Report was redesigned to provide a more interactive and viewer-friendly experience. The user has access to the report through the FlippingBook application with the ability to fluidly navigate through the pages with a clickable Table of Contents and page-flipping functionality. In addition, the user is now directed to a scrolling webpage with clickable highlight blocks and functional buttons that point toward the more extensive report.
Quarter 1 Report | Quarter 2 Report | Quarter 3 Report
Q3 2018 Report (Published November 21, 2018)
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Training Aids (FSD/MFS)
Various manuals and job aids were created for departments
Onyx Training Manual | WebFile for Self-Insurers
Marketing/Job Search Form (FSD)
WebFile Guide for Self-Insurers (Self-Insurance)
Adding a Medical Provider to CASPER (MFS)
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Workers’ Comp Mailer/CFB Packet Revamp (OSD/CMD)
The Agency Highlights Report was completely redesigned to provide a more interactive and viewer- friendly experience. The user has access to the report through the FlippingBook application with the ability to fluidly navigate through the pages with a clickable Table of Contents and page-flipping functionality.
Brochure Concept | Brochure in FlippingBook | Brochure in FlippingBook (8.5x11)
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MFS Reference Tool FAQ & Video (MFS)
The Agency Highlights Report was completely redesigned to provide a more interactive and viewer- friendly experience. The user has access to the report through the FlippingBook application with the ability to fluidly navigate through the pages with a clickable Table of Contents and page-flipping functionality.
MFS Reference Tool FAQs | MFS Reference Tool YouTube Video
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Building Signage
Various signage was created for the new Headquarters building.
HQ Clerk’s Office (PMO)
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HQ Break Rooms (PMO)
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HQ Touchdown Rooms (PMO)
HQ Elevator Signs (PMO)
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Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker